All monsters
From Arindal Wiki
These are all creatures populating the world, only the races of the arilonians are described elsewhere. If you want further information about a monster, click on it´s name (not on the image!).
This is a subcategory of the bestiary, additionally you find all monsters with pictures or an alphabetical overview of all monsters.
Contents |
Flying critters
Scavenger Bird | snow grouse | Large Scavenger Bird | Voluc | Carc |
Bloodhawk | Vulture | Common Vulture | Saber Owl | Lorr |
Penguin |
Blue Cavebat | Small Cavebat | Bat | Bat | Small blue Cavebat |
Lith Bat |
Island Locust | small Cricket | Cricket | Tundra Locust | Mantis |
Sandwasp | Deadly Wasp | Wasp | Dragonfly | red Dragonfly |
Co'Acha | Roach |
Scarab Beetle | Scarab Beetle | Fire Beetle | Stinging Beetle |
This is a subcategory of the bestiary, additionally you find all monsters with pictures or an alphabetical overview of all monsters.
Mice, rats and vermine
mouse | vermine | black rat | brown rat | large vermine |
Feuerwiesel | Schneewiesel | giant vermine | dark vermine | death vermine |
large death vermine | large dark vermine | dämonisches Wiesel |
Feuerratte | Teufelsratte | Gebirgsratte | Höhlenratte |
Hermelin | Riesenhermelin | grosses Schneewiesel | Riesenschneewiesel | Schneehase |
wild cat | Panther | cougar | Sommerpuma | Berglöwe |
Maha Ruknee | Himmels-Maha | Wolken-Maha | Savannen-Maha | Steppen-Maha-Ruknee |
Wüsten-Maha-Ruknee | Tiger | Sandtiger |
Schneekatze | Schneepuma | Schnee-Lyfelidae | Eis-Maha | Manul |
Sandtiggakätzchen | Sandtigga | Leopard |
Dogs and wolves
Brauner Wolf | Grauer Wolf | Großer Wolf | Gigantischer Wolf | Schneewolf |
Wulf | Tundra Wolf | Steppenwolf | Sumpfwolf |
Brauner Lupo | Lupo | Großer Lupo | Wachhund |
Foxes and wild game
Hirsch | Rentier | (junger) Fuchs | Füchsin | Bison |
Fanak | Großer Fanak | Ch'amak | Ch'omak | Hyäne |
Ziege | Varpi | Wildschwein |
Pony | Stute | Hengst | Pegasusähnliches Geschöpf |
Niamph Pony | Niamph Stute | Niamph Hengst | Wildpferd |
Braunbär | Grizzlybär | Aschbär | Honigbär | Polarbär |
Schokoladenbär | grauer Urso | schokoladener Urso | Aschurso |
Wendecka | Älterer Wendecka | Nachtwendecka | Morgenwendecka | Blutrücken Wendecka |
Silberrücken-Nachtwendecka | Totiti |
kleiner grüner Cercops | grüner Cercops | Kleiner gelber Cercops | Gelber Cercops | kleiner Höhlencercops |
Höhlen-Cercops | Baby-Gorilla | Gorilla |
[Category:To do]]
This is a subcategory of the bestiary, additionally you find all monsters with pictures or an alphabetical overview of all monsters.
crippled Orga
Orga Dissent | Orga Spite | Orga Fearless | Orga Bloodrage | Orga Shaman |
normal Orga
Orga | Orga Warrior | Orga Anger | Orga Zealot | Orga Warlock |
Orga Berserker | Orga Hemlock | snow Orga | Frost Orga | Aganaorga |
big Orga
Orga Mama | Orga Berserker | snow Orga Berserk | large Frost Orga | Orga Rage |
Orga Fury | Orga Wrath | Orga Frenzy | Orga Hatred | Orga Dredlock |
giant Orga
dark Orga |
special Orga
Ugh |
This is a subcategory of the bestiary, additionally you find all monsters with pictures or an alphabetical overview of all monsters.
Ona-Sandfloh | Roter Ona-Sandfloh | Schädlicher Ona-Sandfloh | Böser Ona-Sandfloh | Giftiger Ona-Sandfloh |
Grosser Ona-Sandfloh | Riesen-Ona | Riesen-Ona-Sandfloh | Gebirgs-Sandfloh | Ona-Berserker |
Scarmis-Eunuch | Scarmis-Furier |
This is a subcategory of the bestiary, additionally you find all monsters with pictures or an alphabetical overview of all monsters.
Aasarachne | Tödliche Spinne | Kleine Spinne | Spinne | Mammuthspinne |
Höhlenspinne | Staubspinne | Netzspinne |
Niamph spiders
Niamph-Aasarachne | Tödliche Niamphspinne | Niamphspinne | Niamph Spinne | Niamph Mammutspinne |
Ardvell spiders
Ardvell Spinne | Ardvell Mammutspinne |
Purpurner Arachnoid | Grauer Arachnoid | Gestreifter Arachnoid | Blauer Arachnoid | Grüner Arachnoid |
This is a subcategory of the bestiary, additionally you find all monsters with pictures or an alphabetical overview of all monsters.
Myrmfarmer | Männlicher Myrm | Myrmarbeiter | Myrmspäher | Myrmbeschützer |
Myrmkrieger | Edelmyrm | Königsmyrm | Myrmkönigin |
Myrmudrys Arbeiter | Myrmudrys Späher | Myrmudrys Krieger | Edelmyrmudrys | Königs Myrmudrys |
Myrmudrys Königin |
Camyrmus beschützer | Camyrmus arbeiter | Camyrmus späher | Camyrmusfarmer | Camyrmus Krieger |
männlicher Camyrmus | Edelcamyrmus | Königs Camyrmus | Camyrmus Königin |
Glaciomyrmus arbeiter | Glaciomyrmusfarmer | Glaciomyrmus beschützer | Edelglaciomyrmus | Königs Glaciomyrmus |
Glaciomyrmus Königin |
This is a subcategory of the bestiary, additionally you find all monsters with pictures or an alphabetical overview of all monsters.
Slugs and worms
Höhlenschnecke | Riesenschnecke | Rosa Höhlenwurm | Grüner Höhlenwurm | Tahxis-Wurm |
Aasfressender Wurm | Fleischfressender Wurm | Ethereal-Schnecke | Scarmis Larve | Rotschimmer ("Candie") |
Mondschnecke |
This is a subcategory of the bestiary, additionally you find all monsters with pictures or an alphabetical overview of all monsters.
Frosch | junger Springer | blauer Springer | lila Springer | Dschungelkröte |
Canyonkröte |
Blinde Amphibie | kleiner Chub-Ochuk | Chub-Ochuk | Potak | Chabyllus |
Wald-Chamelopod |
This is a subcategory of the bestiary, additionally you find all monsters with pictures or an alphabetical overview of all monsters.
Kleiner Höhlendrache | Kleiner Höhlendrache | Babyfeuerdrache | Feuerdrache | Waldrache |
Kleiner grüner Drangua | Feuer Fla'mag | Tokeki |
grauer Wyrm | Blutwyrm | Sonnenwyrm | Erd-Wyrm | kleiner Sarra'don |
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Sarra'don | Ember-Wyrm | Serac-Wyrm | Ripper |
Junges Krokodil | Grosses Krokodil | Riesenkrokodil | Junger Alligator | Großer Alligator |
Riesenalligator | junger Kajmano | großer Kajmano | Riesenkajmano |
Wasserechse | Dschungelechse | Herpetid |
Lobsters and scorpiones
Krebs | Riesenkrebs | Grüner Krebs | Sandkrebs | Tödlicher Krebs |
Skorpion | Smaragdskorpion | Amethystskorpion |
Snakes and Tok'Hans
Geflügelte Schlange | Geflügelte Schlange (rosa) | Gleitende Schlange | Dschungelserpent | Kreuzotter |
Carin-Viper | Ardvell-Kreuzotter | Niamph-Kreuzotter |
Forstkobra | Steppencobra | Niamphkobra | Chami-Cobra | Höhlenkobra |
Crota-Winder | Raste-Winder | Repens-Winder | Boma-Winder | Giftiger Raste-Winder |
Baby-Tok'Han | Sand Tok'han | Grüner Tok'han | Smaragd Tok'han |
Sandwurm | Großer Sandwurm | schwacher Sandwurm | Sandrochen |
Blutegel | Teufelsblutegel | Neodew | Pallidew |
Meshrababy | Meshra | Gefleckter Meshra | Höhlenwächter | Oberwächter |
Deep-Meshra | Blut-Meshra |
Herpetad | Dra'ryx | Seta-Eidechse |
Fleischfressende Schildkröte | Blaue Fleischfressende Schildkroete |
This is a subcategory of the bestiary, additionally you find all monsters with pictures or an alphabetical overview of all monsters.
Ghosts and undine
G'spenst | Skelett | Gequälte Seele | Zombie | Burning skeleton |
Mumie | Beamten-Mumie | Krieger-Mumie | PriesterMumie |
Urdargeist | Urdar Ghostmage | Geisterspinne | Geisterratte |
Kürbis | Clown | Werwolf | Vampire | Zol'Noth |
Night Guardian | Magi'Qual | Maqua Ghost | Golem | Totenwächter |
Purpuren Arachnoid | B'holda | Riesenskelett |
This is a subcategory of the bestiary, additionally you find all monsters with pictures or an alphabetical overview of all monsters.
Dal'Noth | Kal'Noth | Zol'Noth | Gar'Noth | Sar'Noth |
Xar'Noth | Hel'Noth | Tuz'Noth |
This is a subcategory of the bestiary, additionally you find all monsters with pictures or an alphabetical overview of all monsters.
Pirates and robbers
Piratenseemann | Piratenstrolch | Piratenspäherin | Piratenoffizier | Piratenplünderer |
Piratenschlachter | Piratenveteran | Piratenwachposten | Piratenkrieger | Piratenschwabbie |
Piratenmörder | Piratenschnuckel | Kobold |
Räuberanwärter | Räubermädchen | Raubkater |
Dieb | Diebin | Ladron |
This is a subcategory of the bestiary, additionally you find all monsters with pictures or an alphabetical overview of all monsters.
Aquatic animals
Oranger Koi | Qualle | Rote Qualle | Schredder | Wasserschlange |
Baltoise | Taesu | Grossmaul | Koi | Baby Plesio'don |
Meduso | Nathair | Sekat | fleischfressendes Riesenplankton | Piranha |
This is a subcategory of the bestiary, additionally you find all monsters with pictures or an alphabetical overview of all monsters.
Kudzu | Blutbusch | Kraskajo | Schlingrose | Weck-mich |
Baumriese | Weidengigant |
Shamae | kleiner Shamae | grüner Shamae |
giftiger Busch | Stachelicher Strauch | Dornbusch |
This is a subcategory of the bestiary, additionally you find all monsters with pictures or an alphabetical overview of all monsters.
Unfitting elsewhere
Lavagänger | Grendel | Auge | Monolith | Katapult |
Steinmyr |