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Commands help you to control your character, change gaming options or get informations. Commands can be typed in the textbox of the client and are affirmed with "return".

A list with all commands that are available can be purchased with the command /help. Further information about a specific command can be gotten with /help <command>, for example /help help.

Please note that some commands are spelled /help and some \help in this guide. For nearly all commands both ways should work, no matter which is given here.

There are two categories of commands: those related to the client and those related to the server. While the server-related commands should work for everyone, the client-related may differ depending on the client and the version that is being used. To have a clear structure, the server-related commands are devided in the four categories.

Many commands need the name of an active player, for example /push Gyges. As with every command its sufficient to enter only as many letters until the name is clearly recognizable. If there is a Gyges and a Gysere playing at the moment it is enough to type /push gyg to push the GM away. The same is true for poses and items.

Please note that many actions are not available when being fallen. For spirits the commands concerning speech are even more limited.

Client-related commands

\LABEL <name> <colour> 
labels the named player as a friend. Possible colours are 'red', 'orange', 'green', 'blue', 'purple' and 'none'.
\BLOCK <name> 
will block every talk or action from this character, but it will still be stored in your textlog.
\FORGET <name> 
removes a block or ignore command.
\IGNORE <name>
will make the player transparent and block his talk and actions completely.
\MOVE <direction> <speed>
moves your character in the given direction. Speed can be STOP, WALK or RUN. Directions can be N, NORTH, NE, NORTHEAST, E, EAST, SE, SOUTHEAST, S, SOUTH, SW, SOUTHWEST, W, WEST, NW, NORTHWEST or STOP.
\PREF <setting> <value>
\RECORD <On/Off>
starts or stops the recording of a visionstone.
\SELECT <name> 
selects a player. <name> can also be @first, @last, @prev or @next.
selects the chosen item. Example: \SELECTITEM purse or \SELECTITEM "Shirt <#2>
\WHOLABEL <label> 
shows a list of all currently active players with the chosen label. If no label is given it lists all labelled players online.

Server-related commands

Commands concerning the inventory

\EQUIP <item> 
This command equips the cosen item from your inventory to your body. \equip Roguewood club will equip you club into your right hand so that you can hit with it. As searching your bag to find an item will take some time your balance regeneration will be frozen for a little time when (un-)equipping an item. Every item will automatically be equipped in the correct spot, for example the weapon will be equipped in your right hand, the shirt to the upper body etc. If you already got something equipped at this spot, this item will automatically be unequipped.
\UNEQUIP <item> 
The contrary of \equip will unequip the item and put it back in your inventory. This will result in a moment of frozen balance regeneration aswell.
activates the item in you right hand if this is possible. Many items give help with \use ? if there are several uses. Shortform is 'uu'. For other items see '\USEITEM'.
\USEITEM <item> <text> 
will use one of your equipped items. \USEITEM left <text> uses the item you hold in you left hand. Other items work the same way. Help is available with \USEITEM <Gegenstand> ?.
will examnie the item selected in your inventory. This will tell you for example what is written on a parchment or if the item has a crystal mounted on it. \EXAMINE /id will give you the short name of an item.
\SHOW [amount] [name] 
Shows the selected item either to all people or (if a name is given) to a specific player. To prove that you really have the item, the text bubble has a slightly different colour from the /action-bubble. Additionally the item appear around the player. If you enter an amount you will show this amount of coins (to a certain player) instead of the item.
\SELL <price> <name> 
This command will offer the chosen item for the entered price to the other player. If you select your club and enter \sell 10 gyges Gyges will get the offer to buy that club for 10 coins. You can only sell items to players being close to you and will fade after some time or if the distance to the other players gets too big. You can cancel you offer anytime by typing \cancel.
\BUY <price> <name>
The command to take the offer another player makes via \sell.
drops the item selected in your inventory if there is enough space. The item can be picked up by anyone.
\DROP <amount> 
Drops the amount of coins.
shows in your infobox how many coins you have with you. Short form is 'mm'.

\GIVE <name> <amount> or \GIVE <amount> <name> 
Will give the entered amount of coins to the specified person if he is in your snell. Shortform is 'gg'

Commands concerning speech

Please note that these commands are all multilangual (/multi can be included).

\SAY <text> 
Says something. The same is done when you simply enter the text without a command.
\YELL <text> 
Yells the text, which can be heard all over the snell. Shortform is 'yy'.
\WHISPER <text> 
You will whisper the text, only players standing close to you can hear it. Shortform is 'wh'.
\PONDER <text> 
The text is displayed in a thinking bubble above your head. Although other players can see it, their characters shouldn´t be able to read your mind. Ponders are great for roleplaying. Shortform is 'pp'.
\ACTION <text> 
Will display the text in a square "bubble" and put your own name as the first word. This way \action eats a bread will become "Gyges eats a bread". Shortform is 'aa'.
\NARRATE <text> 
Similar to an action, but doesn´t put your name as the first word.
\THINK <text> 
This command sends your text with your sunstone to every person who wears a sunstone. Still there is the risk of the sunstone wearing up and after some time it may hurt to think. After this happend it´s only a matter of time until the sunstone breaks and you need a new one. Shortform is 't'.
\THINKTO <name> <text> 
Sends your sunstone-message only to the specified person, who doesn´t even have to wear a sunstone. Shortform is 'tt'.
Your character will swear!
\SPEAK <language> 
If you speak more than one (IC-)language you can chose in which you speak. \speak will show you which languages you mastered. Healers can talk in Lore, the language of the spirits this way when they finished the training.

Commands to interact with others

\CURSE <name> 
shows your displeasure about someone or someone´s action. \CURSE <name> <reason> will give a reason for the curse, if the other person is in the same snell.
\THANK <name> 
shows your gratefulness to someone. \THANK <name> <reason> will add a reason to the thank if the other one is close enough to you. Shortform is 'th'.
\ANONCURSE <name> 
shows your displeasure anonymously. \ANONCURSE <name> <reason> shows the reason for your curse.
\ANONTHANK <name> 
shows your gratefulness anonymously.\ANONTHANK <name> <reason> shows a reason for the thank.
\INFO [name] 
Gives some infos about yourself or the selected player. These are race, profession, gender, chosen language and the players clan. If the other player is in the sname snell you can also see what the other one has equipped. Shortform is 'ii'.
\PUSH <name> 
Pushes the selected player, if the player is close enough. Sleeping people (brown label) can´t be pushed.
\PULL <name> 
Pulls the selected player to your place and you to his if he is close enough. Also works with sleeping people.
\SHARE [\lock|\unlock] [name] 
If no name is specified you see a list of your shares. If a name is given you will share your experiences ("create a spiritlink") with the person. If you already shared 5 persons (which is the maximum) the one you shared first will get unshared automatically. If you add the term \lock the share will be locked, meaning the person doesn´t get unshared, no matter how many more you start to share. This link can be made temporary again with \unlock, of course \unshare ends it aswell. A share has several effects:
* If you are no healer but share with one, this healer can heal you more easily, he needs less spirit for it. Healers can heal each other without any malus, no matter if they share each other or not.
* If you share a person (no matter if both share or just one) you can see if this person falls and vice versa.
* Plyers that are shared by you get a part of the experience you gain. This doesn´t mean that you get less, their part is a community-bonus.
You can share at most 5 others, while you can be shared from an infinite amount of others. People sharing you can be recognized by the bold name, people you share are underlined. Shortform is 'sh'.

unshares all not-locked shares. \UNSHARE <name> cancels the spiritlink to the specified person. Shortform is 'un'.

shows every player currently playing. \WHO <name> shows the list from this person on. Shortform is 'w'.
shows all your active clanmates. \WHOCLAN <Clanname> shows the members of the specified clan that are playing.

Other commands

shows the news, mostly concerning changes of the last storm.
\POSE <pose> <direction> 
makes your character pose. <Pose> can be: stand, sit, seated, kneel, lie, bow, leanleft, leanright, thoughtful, celebrate, akimbo, bless, angry, salute, cry, surprised, walkleft, walkright, or attack. Some poses can be made in different <directions>, if no direction is given it is done to the south. The commands also work in your own language. List of all poses
\PRAY <text> 
will send your message to all GMs currently online.

\BUG <text> 
is used for reporting problems you encounter while playing. It is recommended to bug at exactly the place you recognized the bug as the GMs will be able to see your coordinates. To make it easier for the GMs use one of the following key words as the first word in your bug-message to classify the problem: account, mystic, court, pf, tip, suggestion, praise, OS X, autoupdate, client, clans, macros, lag, images, sounds, masks, spriggins, fishing, monsters, typos, grammar, fallen, depart, win.
\OPTIONS <option> <value> 
sets the specified value to the selected option. \OPTIONS LIST will show you all options and their current values. \OPTIONS ? <option> displays the help for the option.
\options speech speed [slow|normal|fast|zoom] 
Changes the speech speed of NPCs.
\options language [german|french|dutch] 
Changes the language in which everything in the game will be display to one of the three languages. This affects talk of NPCs and messages given with the /multi-command aswell as all items, messages and client-language.
\REPORT <name> <reason> 
will blame the other player for improper behaviour. The reports will be judged by the GMs. Don´t try to abuse this function, beacause you will get punished in this case.
Will make your character sleep, recognizable at the brown player label. If you use this command in the meditation tower, you will immediately log off. If you use this command somewhere else in the world it only shows the player is not "really there", there is still the time of several minutes before you log out and only if you don´t do anything in this time. Another effect of this command is, that sleeping players can´t be pushed. Entering \sleep a second time will result in waking up. You also wake up from any other action despite pondering and thinking.Shortform is 'sl'.
The last hope of a fallen. If there is no chance that you can be healed you can depart from the spot where you were fallen and enter the magical arindal, which will merge your body and spirit again. It should be obvious that this can´t be done without any harm, as the result of your depart, you will lose some experience and forget some of your training (you have a malus) which comes back slowly by killing some monsters. You can only depart, if your spirit left your body. If you want to quicken this process loud yelling and switching shares (does not work, if you got someone in share-lock!) will help.
\HELP [command] 
Displays the help for a command. \help alone will list all commands. Shortform is '??'.
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