From Arindal Wiki
Poses are a way to express your character. They are entered with the command /pose <pose> <direction> in the textbox. If no direction is given the pose is pointing to the south.
Following <directions> can be used: south, southeast, east, northeast, north, northwest, west, southwest and s, se, e, ne, n, nw, w, sw.
Some practical tips for the preparation of a Fightrobics-class:
// Directional control
numpad-1 move walk sw
numpad-2 move walk s
numpad-3 move walk se
numpad-4 move walk w
numpad-5 move stop
numpad-6 move walk e
numpad-7 move walk nw
numpad-8 move walk n
numpad-9 move walk ne
// For quick posing
option-numpad-1 "/pose kneel\r"
option-numpad-2 "/pose sit\r"
option-numpad-3 "/pose seat\r"
option-numpad-4 "/pose leanleft\r"
option-numpad-5 "/pose angry\r"
option-numpad-6 "/pose leanright\r"
option-numpad-8 "/pose stand\r"
option-numpad-7 "/pose walkleft\r"
option-numpad-9 "/pose walkright\r"
option-numpad-0 "/pose lie\r"
// For quick attacks
control-numpad-1 "/pose attack sw\r"
control-numpad-2 "/pose attack s\r"
control-numpad-3 "/pose attack se\r"
control-numpad-4 "/pose attack w\r"
control-numpad-5 "/pose angry \r"
control-numpad-6 "/pose attack e\r"
control-numpad-8 "/pose attack n\r"
control-numpad-7 "/pose attack nw\r"
control-numpad-9 "/pose attack ne\r"
// For quick standposes
shift-numpad-1 "/pose cry\r"
shift-numpad-2 "/pose bow\r"
shift-numpad-3 "/pose angry\r"
shift-numpad-4 "/pose akimbo\r"
shift-numpad-5 "/pose stand\r"
shift-numpad-6 "/pose ce\r"
shift-numpad-8 "/pose bless\r"
shift-numpad-7 "/pose salute\r"
shift-numpad-9 "/pose surprised\r"